CBG Complete Guide

Where To Buy Hemp CBG Crystal Isolate Online

Updated on March 31, 2025

CBD is a term we’ve often heard and are finally aware of. But did you know, there are similar compounds in cannabis? A lesser-known cannabinoid called cannabigerol (CBG), which is present in much smaller quantities, is also known to have many benefits. Read on to find out more.

What is CBG?


CBG is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid which is also known as cannabigerol, and it doesn’t produce the “highs” synonymous with THC. It is usually present less than 1% in most cannabis strains, therefore it is considered a minor cannabinoid. However, CBG is the chemical parent of THC and CBD.

CBG’s Potential Medical Benefits

CBG’s results for medical uses are promising, as it has been found to act on several specific physiological systems and problems.

  • CBG is thought to be particularly said to be effective in treating glaucoma because it reduces intraocular pressure. Basically, endocannabinoid receptors are prevalent in eye structures and CBG is a powerful vasodilator with neuroprotective effects.
  • CBG, like CBD, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is found to be effective in decreasing the inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Perhaps its biggest benefit is that CBG is seen as a cancer fighter. It is shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells in mice, in a study. CBG was found to inhibit tumors and chemically-induced colon carcinogenesis, thus looks like it could be a great panacea for colorectal cancer.
  • CBG is an effective antibacterial agent according to European research. Topical formulations of cannabis have been known to be effective in skin infections since the 1950s and with CBG, it only gets better.
  • According to a study, when 5 different cannabinoids were tested for their effects on bladder contractions, CBG was the best at inhibiting muscle contractions, providing hope for those with bladder dysfunction disorders.


Scientists are optimistic about these initial CBG results. There is plenty of future research anticipated with CBG exclusively or in combination with other cannabinoids. It is seen as having a cure for the treatment of multiple maladies. It is also seen as an analgesic, for therapy for psoriasis, and as an antidepressant, similar to CBD.

How are CBG Crystals made?

CBG Crystals, which are often referred to as CBG Isolate is made from the plant-based source material which is agricultural hemp. The cannabinoid is extracted, then purified, and “Isolated” through various processes. The resulting crystals are typically 97-99% pure CBG.

All You Need To Know About CBD – Complete Guide

Buy Hemp CBG Crystal Isolate Online

CBG Isolate Oil

Right now, they are not widely available like CBD. But a few stores offer them in bulk or larger quantities. They are:

Pharmahemp CBG Crystals 97%

Pharma Hemp

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These crystals contain 97% cannabigerol, a rare compound in cannabis. It is non-psychoactive and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The crystals are obtained from the supercritical organic cannabis extraction which is refined to isolate CBG.

  • Completely natural
  • 97% CBG
  • Numerous medical benefits including fighting cancer, relieving pain
  • Sold in bulk – 500 gms at $2858.59

Hemp CBG Crystal / Cannabigerol (CBG) Isolate – 1,000g – 10,000g


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PURE CBG CRYSTALS come in a container and contains pure cannabigerol (CBG) from supercritical CO2 extraction of industrial hemp. This is further processed in high-tech equipment and finally used to produce phyto-organic CBG isolate.

  • 1 Kilogram (Minimum order quantity) $3,300.00 USD / kg

Hemp for fitness – Hemp For Fitness Cannabigerol Isolate – 97.1% – 99.8% CBG


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Here you can get CBG Capsules made in their own labs in Illinois where they use imported industrial hemp extracts from Europe. Hemp for Fitness was founded in 2012 and has focused on full-spectrum industrial hemp concentrates for CBD. They are the first brands to truly invest in CBG to make it more widely available. They also offer CBG Isolate in Crystal Form – so highly concentrated alongside other products.

  • $45.00 per 1 gram
  • 97.8%-99.8% Pure

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